Disclosure Norms prescribed for UCB's

1 CapitalrisktoRiskweightassetratio(CRAR) 18.49%
2 MovementofCRARi.eCRARasonbalancesheetdateforthecurrentyearvis-a-vispreviousYear 2022-23     21.16% 2021-22     18.49%
3 Investments a)   BookValueandfacevalueofInvestments b)   MarketValueofInvestments   Rs674.21lakhs Rs674.21lakhs
4 DetailsofIssuerCompositionofNON-SLRInvestmentsandNonperformingNON-SLRinvestments
SNo Issuer Amount Extentof”belowinvestmentgradesecurities” Extent of”unratedsecurities” Extent of”unlistedsecurities”
6 Provisionheldtowardsdepreciation NIL NIL NIL NIL
Closingbalance NIL NIL NIL NIL
Totalprovheld NIL NIL NIL NIL
5 Advancesagainst,RE,constructionbusiness,Housing NIL
6 Advancesagainstshares&Debentures NIL
7 Advancestodirectors,theirrelatives,companies/firmsinwhichtheyareinterested: a)Fundbased,andb)NonFundbased(BGs,LCsetc.,     NIL
8 Costofdeposits:Averagecostofdeposits  7.24%
9 NPAs: a)  GrossNPAs: b)  NetNPAs:   91.34lakhs 17.90lakhs
10 MovementofNPAsi.e.,GrossandNetNPAsasonBalancesheetdateforthecurrentyear(31-03-2023)vis-a-visPreviousyear(31-03-2022)(Rsinlakhs)
Details Ason31-03-23 Ason31-03-22 -/+Variance
GrossNPAs 91.34 64.49 26.85  (increase)
NetNPAs 17.91 13.25 4.66  (increase)
11 Profitability:
a) IntIncomeaspercentageofworkingfunds 9.27%
b) Non-IntIncomeaspercentageofworkingfunds 0.64%
c) Operatingprofitaspercentageofworkingfunds 1.73%
d) ReturnonAssets 8.98%
e) Business(Deposits+Advances)peremployee 569lakhs/employee
f) Profitperemployee 4.00lakhs/employee
SNo Noofaccounts TotalOutstanding ProvisionMadein2019-20 ProvisionMadein2020-21&21-22
1 4 24.56lakhs 2.46lakhs NIL
13 ProvisionsmadetowardsNPAs,DepreciationonInvestments,StandardAssets
SNo Details Amt(inLakhs)
a) ProvisionsmadeonStandardAssets 05.52
b) ProvisionsmadeonMoratoriumaccounts(2.0) 10.75
c) ProvisionsmadeonSub-Standardassets 26.84
d) ProvisionsmadeonDoubtfulassets 46.60
e) Provisionsondepreciationoninvestments NIL
14 MovementofProvisionsasonBalancesheetdateforthecurrentyear(31-03-2023)vis-a-visPreviousyear(31-03-2022)(Rsinlakhs)
Details Ason31-03-23 Ason31-03-22 -/+Variance
TowardsNPAs 73.44 51.25 +22.19
TowardsDeponinvestments Nil Nil Nil
Towardsstandardassets 5.52 4.62 +0.90
TowardsStandradAssetsV2.0 10.75 16.04 -5.29
15 ForeignCurrencyassets&Liabilities NIL
16 PaymentofDICGCInsurancePremium Rs3.99lakhs(2022-23)
17 PenaltyImposedbyRBIduring2021-22,2020-21 NIL
18 RestructuredAccounts NIL
19 Resolution2.0Applied   7 accounts
SNo Description Individualborrowers Smallbusinesses
Personalloans Businessloans
1 NoofrequestsreceivedforR2.0process 18
2 Noofaccountswhereresolutionplanimplemented 10
3 Exposuretoaccountsbeforeimplementation
4 Of(3)aggregateamountofdebtconvertedintoothersecurities   Nil
5 Additionalfundingsanctionedifany Nil
6 IncreaseofprovisionsonaccountofR2.0plan 16,04,302

1. Regulatory Capital

a) Composition of Regulatory Capital
Day1 2 to 7days 8 to14 days 15 to30 Days 31 Days  to 2 months Over2 Months and  to 3 months Over3 Months and upto 6 Months Over6 Months and upto 1year Over1 year and upto 3 years Over3 years and up To 5 years Over5 years Total
Deposits 9.39 0.15 0.33 0.69 3.26 1.26 5.46 8.52 11.56 0.27 1.66 42.54
Advances 0.70 0.15 0.86 3.00 2.65 6.20 9.44 7.61 0.95 31.57
Investments 10.09 0.13 2.73 12.95
Borrowings 0.003 0.003
b) Draw down from Reserves

2. Asset liability management

a) Maturity pattern of certain items of assets and liabilities
Day1 2to7 8to14 15to30 31days Over2 Over3 Over6 Over1 Over3 Over5Total
days days Days to2 months months months year years Years
months andto 3months andup to 6months andup to 1year andup to 3years andup to 5years
Deposits9 1.99 9.07 0.04 0.12 0.78 1.83 4.16 13.12 8.59 1.49 0.73 32.92
Advances 0.65 0.90 0.01 0.76 2.20 1.16 1.27 17.07 24.02
Investments 1.94 0.19 0.78 1.42 1.32 1.20 3.51 10.56

INVESTMENTS : (31-03-24)

Investments in India
  GovernmentSecurities   Other Approved Securities   Shares   Debenturesand Bonds Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures   Others Total investments in India
Held to Maturity
Gross 7.22 7.22
Less:Provision for non- Performing investments(NPI)
Net 7.22 7.22
Available for Sale
Held for Trading
Total Investments 7.22 7.22
Net 7.22 7.22
a) As at (31-03-23 balance sheet date) (Amount in crore)
Investments in India
  GovernmentSecurities   Other Approved Securities   Shares   Debenturesand Bonds Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures   Others Total investments in India
Held to Maturity
Gross 6.74 6.74
Less: Provision for non- Performing investments(NPI)
Net 6.74 6.74
Available for Sale
Held for Trading
Total Investments 6.74 6.74
Net 6.74 6.74
b) Movement of Provisions for Depreciation and Investment Fluctuation Reserve(Amount in crore)





i)       Movement of provisions held towards depreciation on investments

a)          Opening balance

b)          Add: Provisions made during the year

c)           Less: Write off/write back of excess provisions during the year

d)          Closing balance

ii)   Movement of Investment Fluctuation Reserve

a)       Opening balance

b)       Add: Amount transferred during the year

c)        Less: Drawdown

d)       Closing balance

iii)  ClosingbalanceinIFRasapercentageofclosingbalanceofinvestments13inAFSandHFT/Currentcategory









c) Non-SLR investment portfolio
d) Non-performing non-SLR investments(Amount in crore)
e) Issuer composition of non-SLR investments(Amount in crore)

Classification of advances and provisions held

Standard Non-Performing Total
Total Standard Advances Sub-standard   Doubtful   Loss Total Non-Performing Advances
Gross Standard Advances and NPAs
Opening Balance 23.11 0.45 0.46 0.91 24.02
Add: Additions during the year
Less: Reductions during the year*
Closing balance 30.35 0.47 0.75 1.22 31.57
*Reductions in Gross NPAs due to:
i) Up gradation
ii) Recoveries (excluding recoveries from upgraded accounts)
iv) Write-offs other than those under (iii)above
Provisions(excluding Floating Provisions)
Opening balance of provisions held 0.17 0.27 0.46 0.73 0.90
Add: Fresh provisions made during the year
Less: Excess provision reversed/Write-off loans
Closing balance of provisions held 0.11 0.09 0.75 0.84 0.95
Net NPAs
Opening Balance 0.18
Add: Fresh additions during the year
Less: Reductions during the year
Closing Balance 0.38

Sector-wise Advances and Gross NPAs

Sr. No. Sector* 31-03-24 31-03-23
Out standing Total Advances Gross NPAs Percentage of Gross NPAs to Total Advances in That sector Out standing Total Advances Gross NPAs Percentage of Gross NPAs to Total Advances in That sector
i) Priority Sector
a) Agriculture and allied activities
b) Advances to industries sector eligible as priority sector lending 7.62 0.08 0.01 4.72 0.19 4.02
c) Services 11.81 1.14 0.12 4.41 0.11 2.49
d) Personal loans 9.76 0.01 0.01 9.44 0.60 6.36
Subtotal (i) 29.19 1.23 0.14 18.57 0.90 4.84
ii) Non-priority Sector
a) Agriculture and allied activities
b) Industry
c) Services
d) Personal loans 2.38 0.01 0.01 5.45
Sub-total(ii) 2.38 0.01 0.01 5.45
Total(I+ ii) 31.57 1.24 0.15 24.02 0.90 3.74
i) Details of accounts subjected to restructuring21 (Applicable to LABs, RRBs and UCBs)
a) Fraud accounts
b) Disclosure under Resolution Framework for COVID-19- (Amounts in crore)
Type of borrower Exposure to accounts classified as Standard consequent to implementation of resolution plan–Position as at the end of the previous half-year (A) Of(A), Aggregated that slipped into NPA during the half-year Of(A) Amountwritten off during the half-year Of(A) Amount paid by the borrowersduring the half-year Exposure to accounts classified as Standard consequent to implementation of resolution plan–Position as at the End of this half-year
Personal Loans 1.07 0.13 078 0.26
Corporate persons*
Of which MSMEs
Total 1.07 0.13 078 0.26


a) Exposure to real estate sector (Amount in crore)





i) Direct exposure

a)  Residential Mortgages–

Lending fully secured by mortgages on residential property that is or will be occupied by the borrower or that is rented.

Housing loans     < 30 lakhs

b)  Commercial Real Estate–

Lending secured by mortgages on commercial real estate (office buildings, retail space, multipurpose commercial premises, multifamily residential buildings, multi tenanted commercial premises, industrial or warehouse space, hotels, land acquisition, development and construction, etc.).Exposure would also include non-fund based (NFB) limits;

c) Investments in Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) and other securitized exposures–

i.   Residential

ii.   Commercial Real Estate



































Total Exposure to Real Estate Sector11.269.96
b) Unsecured advances (Amount in crore)
Total unsecured advances of the bank0.020.02
Out of the above ,amount of advances for which intangible securities such as charge over the rights, licenses, authority, etc. have been taken
Estimated value of such intangible securities

2. Concentration of deposits, advances, exposures and NPAs

a) Concentration of deposits (Amount in crore)
Total deposits of the twenty largest depositors12.457.23
% of deposits of twenty largest depositors to total deposits of the bank29.2521.96
b) Concentration of advances* (Amount in crore)
Total advances to the twenty largest borrowers10.188.93
% of advances to twenty largest borrowers to total advances of the bank32.2537.17
c) Concentration of exposures (Amount in crore)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Total exposure to the twenty largest borrowers/customers 10.18 8.93
Percentage of exposures to the twenty largest borrowers / customers to the total exposure of the bank on borrowers/ customers 32.25 37.17
d) Concentration of NPAs (Amount in crore)
Particulars 31-03-24 31-03-23
Total Exposure to the top twenty NPA accounts 1.22 0.91
% of exposures to the twenty largest NPA exposure To total Gross NPAs. 100% 100%

3. Transfers to Depositor Education and Awareness Fund (DEA Fund) (Amount in crore)



i)Opening balance of amounts transferred to DEA Fund0.0920.06
ii)Add: Amounts transferred to DEA Fund during the year0.0020.03
iii)Less: Amounts reimbursed by DEA Fund towards claims  
iv)Closing balance of amounts transferred to DEA Fund0.0940.09

4.Disclosure of complaints

a) Summary information on complaints received by the bank from customers from the Offices of Ombudsman
b) Top five grounds of complaints received by the bank from customers.

5. Disclosure of penalties imposed by the Reserve Bank of India

6. Disclosures on remuneration

All employees are on contract basis. only.

7. Other Disclosures

a) Business ratios
Particular 31-03-24 31-03-23
i) InterestIncomeasapercentagetoWorkingFunds 9.10% 9.25%
ii) Non-interestincomeasapercentageof Working Fund 0.67% 0.63%
iii) Cost of Deposit 7.63 7.24
iv) Net Interest Margin 1.75 cr 1.52cr/43.68%
v) Operating Profit as percentage to Working Funds 1.56% 1.73%
vi) Return on Assets 8.64% 7.61%
vii) Business (depositsplusadvances) peremployee (in crore) 6.21Cr 5.69cr
viii) Profit per employee (in ₹crore) 0.06 cr 0.04cr
b) Payment of DICGC Insurance Premium (Amount in crore)
Sr. No. Particulars 31-03-24 31-03-23
i) Payment of DICGC Insurance Premium 0.05 0.04
ii) Arrearsinpaymentof DICGCpremium Nil NIL
c) Disclosure of facilities granted to directors and their relatives