Save a fixed amount every month and invest it for a specific period under this scheme either for a short period or for a long term at attractive rates of interest (compounding rate). This product is ideal for mobilizing future savings, for children education, marriage and other purposes. Withdrawal of the deposit before the date of maturity is possible in this scheme with nominal pre-closure charges. The minimum tenure for this deposit is 12 months (in multiple of 3 months thereafter) up to a maximum period of 120 months. Customers holding savings accounts with us can opt for a standing instruction for their monthly installments.

Who can open this account?

  • Any individual either singly or jointly, guardians on behalf of minors, companies, associations, clubs and other charitable organizations can open this account. Senior Citizens of above 60 years enjoy extra benefit 0.50%. Super Senior Citizen above 70 years get additional benefit of 0.50%.

Documents Required

  • Aadhar card, PAN card
  • Residential Proof
  • Two Color Passport size Photographs


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