I am happy to inform the share holders that your Bank has posted a Net Profit of Rs 51,50,494/-for the year ending 31-03-2024 an increase of 7.44 % over the previous year’s Net Profit.
Reserve Bank Of India has introduced “Depositor Education Awareness Fund Scheme “wherein all the Banks are advised to transfer the balances lying in all type of deposit accounts where there are no operations for the last 10 years to a specified account being maintained by Reserve Bank Of India. This scheme has come into effect from 1st July 2014. Our Bank has complied with the same and the balances in all such accounts were transferred to the specified a/c. and the balance as on 31-03-2024 stood at Rs 9,41,149/-.
Depositors, irrespective of the fact that they are Share Holders or not, TDS has to be deducted in case the interest paid on the Deposits exceeds Rs.40,000/-in a financial year. For senior citizens, this limit has been increased to Rs.50,000/-.
On behalf of the Board of Directors I express my grateful thanks for the guidance and co-operation extended by the Officials and staff of Reserve Bank Of India, Central Office, Mumbaiand Regional Office, Hyderabad, The Commissioner for Co-operation and Registrar for Co-operative Societies, Govt.of Telangana, Dist.Co-op.Officer, Hyderabad (Urban) and Divisional Co-opOfficer, Golconda Division, Hyderabad.
On behalf of the Board of Directors I would like to express sincere thanks to the Urban Banks Federation for their guidance and support.
On behalf of the Board of Directors I express sincere thanks to IDFC Bank, Axis Bank, IDBI Bank, HDFC Bank, Jana Small Finance Bank, Equitas Small Finance Bnk and SVC Bank Ltd. for their cooperation. On behalf of the Board I thank the Statutory Auditors M/s P Krishnaiah& Co., Chartered Accountants for the smooth conduct of the audit and guidance.
My heart felt thanks to all the stake holders, share holders, depositors and other customers and well-wishers for their patronage and faith reposed on the Bank.
I thank all the staff members of the Bank for the good services rendered by themwith an appeal to work hard to carry the Bank to greater heights.
Lastly, I thank my Co-directors in the Board for their co-operation and the confidence reposed on me.