PARTICULARS | Schedule | As at 31.03.2024 Rs. | As at 31.03.2023 Rs. |
Capital and Liabilities: | |||
Capital | 1 | 30,305,300 | 22,321,900 |
Reserves & Surplus | 2 | 24,336,686 | 21.739,904 |
Borrowings | 2A | 3,546 | 0 |
Deposits | 3 | 425,348,954 | 329,192,046 |
Provision for Bad & Doubtful Assets | 4 | 9,434,549 | 8,971,270 |
Other Liabilities and Provisions | 5 | 8,960,249 | 7,521,468 |
TOTAL | 498,389,283 | 389,746,589 | |
Assets: | |||
Cash and Bank Balances | 6 | 100,424,820 | 78,093,149 |
Investments | 7 | 72,220,067 | 67,421,250 |
Advances | 8 | 315,659,334 | 240,190,567 |
Fixed Assets | 9 | 5,523,933 | 953,643 |
Other Assets | 10 | 4,561,128 | 30,87,949 |
TOTAL | 498,388,293 | 389,746,589 | |
Contingent Liabilities | 11 | 12,177,632 | 10,276,252 |
Significant Accounting Policies and Noteson Accounts | 17 |
PARTICULARS | Schedule | For the year ended 31.03.2024 Rs. | For the year ended 31.03.2023 Rs. |
Income | |||
Interest Earned | 12 | 43,265,813 | 34,778,477 |
Other Income | 13 | 3,284,011 | 2,372,987 |
Total | 46,549,824 | 37,151,464 | |
Expenditure: | |||
Interest Expended | 14 | 25,738,169 | 19,589,111 |
Operating Expenses | 15 | 12,028,462 | 9,036,984 |
Provisions & Contingencies | 16 | 1,142,782 | 1,779,739 |
Depreciation | 603,221 | 281,016 | |
Total | 39,512,634 | 30,686,850 | |
Profit Before Tax | 70,37,190 | 6,464,614 | |
Tax Expenses: | |||
Current Tax | (1,850,8022) | (16,97,468) | |
Tax Paid for Earlier Year | (33,588) | 0 | |
Net Profit for the Year | 51,52,800 | 47,67,146 | |
Profit brought forward from Previous Year | 0 | ||
Surplus of Profit | 51,52,800 | 47,67,146 |